Saturday, July 9, 2011

Life's Cruelty

I give up. :/
I give up. :/

I know it is because of stress.
I know it is because of stress.

Everyday, I woke up with a smile on my face, thinking that this day would be much better than yesterday--but when I woke up today, everything changes. Had a poker face on my face and realized that not everything and everyone would likely to  help you in your everyday living, NOT even your family. (Just saying) Its just a sad reality. Never expected that this day would come. Been stressed at school, and still stressed about home stuff. It was never been this hard for me to adjust with the new environment. Its just that, I can't think of anybody would do such a thing. How SELFISH thing to do! When I do things I include everybody in it, don't they realize that I need a rest, too? GAWDAMMIT! My patience is in the danger zone right now. -.- It really pisses me off. ugh. Maybe, It's better if I would be on my own now. CLEAN my part of the room, COOK for myself, ARRANGE my stuff, STUDY on my own and IGNORE everyone around me. I'll try not to ask a help from anybody. I'm on my own now--it's about time! btw, I think about to try the suicide thing~~any minute now. :/ 

I don't know what to do first. -.-
I don't know what to do first. -.-
 Over load! >.<
Over load! >.<

It's about time, I'll prioritize myself, my own needs and wants. >:3
Too much understanding other people makes my life miserable. >.

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