In life, I believed in the quote: "Friendship is always there for you whenever you are sad or happy; They won't let you down when you are in your deepest moment" I already proved that when I was in my elementary year, I found out who are my BFF's (Best Friends Forever) they've been there in my happy and in my most tragedy (awful) days that happened to me. So, I am blessed for having them in my life; they are a sent from the above to guide me in the right paths. Never Imagined that I would be growing old this fast. Years passed and we graduated I never knew that, the day would come; and I thought I was still a kiddo--back then because, they treated me like one.
In my secondary year or when I stepped into my highschool year, It made me realized that not everyone you are friends with, will be the one who will stay in your life in a long period of time. Nevertheless, those people who uses you and needed you, was the sneakiest part of my life. There, I proved that not everyone is REAL nor TRUE to you and they will just use you, sometimes they would backstab or talkshit behind you whenever they have to. Eventhough, I have an abundant friends it doesn't mean that they knew the REAL ME or the story behind my every single laughs, tears, nor smiles. They just knew my name and the gossips they could dig up. I never REGRET anything I've done nor said to them, because one way or another I helped them wholeheartedly and it's for them to be happy eventhough I am not being acknowledged for it.

The coolest and the neverforgotten year for me is when I was a Junior, because in some point or another we were a FAMILY. In lilo's phrase: "Ohanna means family and family means nobody get left behind" We had the total and awesome bond of all the other sections and I was happy to have and be a part of that family. Eversince, I never thought that the total and amazing bond would be over so soon. Added lesson for me, PEOPLE DO CHANGE. We set aside our differences back then, and some of us were hoping for it to come back but in reality, Some wants or needs to have a name in the school in short, all they want is to be recognized and have their own identity. I assumed that it would happen anytime soon but I never hope for them to change. Usually, I miss them and I still think what would happened if we understand each other and just ignore the smallest things.

Highschool is one of the most memorable part of my life. Because of the lessons and realizations that had given me. I am still blessed to have a few people or group of friends who are true to you whatever happens in the near future. I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH.

So here I am, as a college student and as a freshmen. Adjusting again because of the new environment, and wishing to have a group friends like I have in my hometown or just a few that I know I could rely on to whatever happens ..

Still, having a major tough decisions whether I would join in an org and be an officer, or just focused on my studies and aim 1. And I am still looking for my own identity in my college life--hoping to have the right and true one. :)

*FINGERS CROSSED* for a good or the best year of my life! --- hopefully! :D
Open for suggestions, reactions, comments .. etc.
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