The Devil Wears Prada

A subculture, which is a set of people with distinct behaviours and beliefs, faces a struggle against being eradicated in a capitalist society. Members of a subculture will often be identified through their use of style. Because they are distinct from the dominant culture, they are usually tied to stereotypes which may be used by society to justify certain discriminatory acts. Consequently, subcultures tend to allow themselves to be swallowed into the mainstream just to avoid being victims of stereotyping.
In this, I will show how Andy Sachs in The Devil Wears Prada lets herself unconsciously undergoes cultural appropriation in to adapt to her new environment and finally awakens that she is chained to a society that she actually does not belong to Andy Sachs is a fresh-out-of-college girl who finds luck in New York City and has eventually landed as a co-assistant to a demanding fashion magazine editor, Miranda Priestly. After graduating from North-western University, she gets the job that a number of girls would indeed kill and die for. However, she does not seem to feel so lucky, at first, for having taken the post.

At the beginning, one can clearly say that Andy Sachs that does not really share the same culture that Runway Magazine has. The clothes she wears in her job interview with the company is environment populated by incredibly thin and stylish women clad in expensive turtlenecks, signature jackets and tight leather pants that manifest their dedication to the gym . She comes into in the interview in plain slacks, corduroy jacket and purple V-neck sweater of a confident North-western graduate. On the contrary, the interviewer which happens to be her boss Miranda Priestly looks elegant and fabulous in her Prada shoes, silk scarf, expensive suit and a forelock. Priestly ' wardrobe is one way to maintain her occupational identity as the editor of a famous fashion magazine. Her position expects her to dress in that manner.
The difference between the fashion styles of the two characters is a manifestation that they are from different peer groups. Miranda Priestly is from the upper strata as evident in the designer clothes that she wears. Since Andy Sachs is a girl from a small town who spent her college days interacting with books, wearing fashionable clothes is an alien idea to her. Her poor fashion style makes her the object of gossips among her colleagues. It is evident in the movie that clothing plays a significant role in drawing the line between two different cultures. We can see that haute culture articulates a high position. Leaders or people in the upper class use clothing to fortify the power brought about by their status their wardrobe will give them a level of differentiation among their subordinates. Using clothing to determine one’s personality may also be a form of stereotyping which is quite noticeable in the movie. Miranda Priestly appears.

This film just opened the eyes of beginners in the real industry that everything needs effort, everyone has to be hard working, what really await you, what problems and issues you may encounter and how to put off all your efforts but never, never change your principles and if you think you are just doing it because of the JOB not for passion, start asking yourself, why continue?
It is a moving, wonderful, amazing and funniest film I’ve ever seen. Definitely gonna miss half of your life because it could change you.

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