Saturday, March 23, 2013

Human Behavior Organization - Reaction Paper

The Devil Wears Prada

A subculture, which is a set of people with distinct behaviours and beliefs, faces a struggle against being eradicated in a capitalist society. Members of a subculture will often be identified through their use of style. Because they are distinct from the dominant culture, they are usually tied to stereotypes which may be used by society to justify certain discriminatory acts. Consequently, subcultures tend to allow themselves to be swallowed into the mainstream just to avoid being victims of stereotyping.

In this, I will show how Andy Sachs in The Devil Wears Prada lets herself unconsciously undergoes cultural appropriation in to adapt to her new environment and finally awakens that she is chained to a society that she actually does not belong to Andy Sachs is a fresh-out-of-college girl who finds luck in New York City and has eventually landed as a co-assistant to a demanding fashion magazine editor, Miranda Priestly. After graduating from North-western University, she gets the job that a number of girls would indeed kill and die for. However, she does not seem to feel so lucky, at first, for having taken the post.

At the beginning, one can clearly say that Andy Sachs that does not really share the same culture that Runway Magazine has. The clothes she wears in her job interview with the company is environment populated by incredibly thin and stylish women clad in expensive turtlenecks, signature jackets and tight leather pants that manifest their dedication to the gym . She comes into in the interview in plain slacks, corduroy jacket and purple V-neck sweater of a confident North-western graduate. On the contrary, the interviewer which happens to be her boss Miranda Priestly looks elegant and fabulous in her Prada shoes, silk scarf, expensive suit and a forelock. Priestly ' wardrobe is one way to maintain her occupational identity as the editor of a famous fashion magazine. Her position expects her to dress in that manner.

The difference between the fashion styles of the two characters is a manifestation that they are from different peer groups. Miranda Priestly is from the upper strata as evident in the designer clothes that she wears. Since Andy Sachs is a girl from a small town who spent her college days interacting with books, wearing fashionable clothes is an alien idea to her. Her poor fashion style makes her the object of gossips among her colleagues. It is evident in the movie that clothing plays a significant role in drawing the line between two different cultures. We can see that haute culture articulates a high position. Leaders or people in the upper class use clothing to fortify the power brought about by their status their wardrobe will give them a level of differentiation among their subordinates. Using clothing to determine one’s personality may also be a form of stereotyping which is quite noticeable in the movie. Miranda Priestly appears.

This film just opened the eyes of beginners in the real industry that everything needs effort, everyone has to be hard working, what really await you, what problems and issues you may encounter and how to put off all your efforts but never, never change your principles and if you think you are just doing it because of the JOB not for passion, start asking yourself, why continue?

It is a moving, wonderful, amazing and funniest film I’ve ever seen. Definitely gonna miss half of your life because it could change you.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Final Requirement in PSY 1

Final Assignment/Requirement in PSY 1  
I – Introduction: 
            These are remarkable times for psychology. In summary, scientific breakthroughs concerning the biological, emotional, cognitive, and social basis of normal and abnormal behavior are reported in the media almost daily. We study Psychology because it is the science of behavior and mental processes. Behavior is everything that people do that can be observed directly while mental processes include everything in our mental lives, such as thoughts, memories, feelings and motives. Psychology is also a profession in which psychological knowledge and insight are brought to bear upon human concerns. Lastly, to understand and build the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive.  
II – 5 High lights that interest you most in PSY 1 from day one to March 4. Discuss why. 
a.)   Perception- why choose personality among the terms? For me, I chose this because there are a lot of thins I've learned from this. You can now adjust your negative thinking and turn it on a positive one. It's all about your choice. 
b.)   Personality - this terms is very common in our course and in our industry. Wherever you may go, you will always carry your personality. It's just putting yourself into a positive world. What you act, think, say, and do is aleways reflecting your personality. 
c.)    Intelligence - I like this one's best. Why? It's like learning but this one is you let your mind think and it process. If you don't have this one, you'll probably have difficulties in understanding other things in this world. 
d.)   Emotion - I've recently learned that this is prior to our environment and to our past experiences. you may not notice it now, but sooner you will. I just like learning new things about this especially we are teenagers. 
e.)   The Seven Habits - I also like this terms. It literally means it can improve ourselves. There are always a  space for changes. I realized that now, if you are not willing to change, there is no space for an improvement within yoursleves. 

III – 5 Links and explain why you like it.  
a.)   In this web link, I’ve watched Johnny the Bagger personalized his service by his “thought of the day”. Every customer’s are willing to wait at the line just to have that thought of the day by Johnny and it touched a lot of customer’s heart. Like, the video says, “Great Service comes the heart”.  It wasn’t that innovative, but it loved and it came from his heart – heart of Johnny.  (

b.)    I’ve chosen this link because it inspired me in the thought of “self-discipline is equivalent to personal greatness”. To develop self-discipline you must have the 7 traits. Achieving Goals, Building up Character which it helps to increase self-worth and your self-esteem. Time it is always your enemy, you can’t take back what you’ve done but you can make it sensible to arrange it. Health has 5 P’s they are proper weight, proper diet, proper exercise, proper rest, and proper attitude. Money will never be a problem if you have self-discipline and you may reach your financial goals. Courage if you have self-discipline you can do it without fear in life. Lastly, responsibility where you control thoughts and feelings if you have self-discipline. (

c.)    Three letters from Teddy is originally published and well known written by Elizabeth Silance Ballard and now, it known as making a difference, it is the new title. Miss Thompson’s attitudes toward judging students by the way they look and act changed especially when she meets Teddy Stallard. She never knew that Teddy strives to learn and excel in school, until she saw the past comments of his teachers; “Teddy is a smart guy, good to his classmates and very well loved by everyone”. “Teddy is bothered, and brought him in a severe path of depression about his mother’s death and then he withdrawn.” When Miss Thompson saw that, she realized why Teddy was acting that way and she started to cry less than an hour. This movie link made me cry, seriously. Especially when teddy gave her the rhinestone bracelet and perfume of his mom, it’s the last Christmas they had together. They really had the big impact out of me. They made a difference through one another through their experiences and attitudes towards one another. (

d.)   TAC, “To a Child”, love is spelled T-I-M-E. When we are growing up, we never knew that for a kid, being loved is giving your precious time to them because for them, they just need your attention even for a few minutes. Like what the movie link shown me, Jimmy and his dad’s perspectives way back. Dad wrote in his own journal: “Wasted time with Jimmy didn’t catch a thing” but for Jimmy, 4th of June is: “Went fishing with my Dad. Best day of my life”. In that two phrases I felt guilty at the same touched me, guilty because I seldom give my parents attention because I’m happily attached with my peers, and touched because I realized that my parents appreciated me and they are the best that anyone could have. Even if, to the world you might be one person, but to one person, you might be the world. That’s the ended thought that I’ll remember. (

e.)   This last video clip is a lesson taught by Bob Proctor. It is really difficult to track this one and I don’t know if it is the right one. But it says on youtube that is it or is entitled as: BOB PROCTOR on SUBCONCIOUS MIND and HOW TO PROGRAM IT, hoping that I got the message and the right clip. He said that our subconscious mind is already programmed or with a paradigm. In our conscious mind, we have our five senses while in our sub-conscious are ideas, thoughts or images what our conscious mind seen, heard, tasted, felt, or even smelled it. What I’ve learned about this movie link is that if we change our paradigm, we change our lives.  ( 

IV – 10 High lights that interest you most in our PSY Movies. 
To begin with, The Secret is a life changing, it makes you financially independent, it let your mind powerful and lastly, it will make you successful. The Secret is kept hidden from thousands of people and they let their ignorance spread to people; it was buried, coveted, suppressed and it was never revealed to the public. According to Bob Proctor, a philosopher, the secret gives you anything you want; happiness, health, and wealth. He also said that “we become what we think”, which means whatever we think it predict our future. The law of Attraction is The Secret; what we see, hold, or even our thoughts are equivalent to what we need, want or even demand and it attracts to you. Like what I watched and jotted down, an affirmative thought is a thousand’s more powerful than negative thought. The more you think, the more it will happen because the universe is reacting to what you want; which means that it attracts what you think. Also, mind shaping what it being perceive it is always your choice at the end. Let go of the bad habits, the old routine focus on new choices or what you want even more rather than doing the same old boring and unhappy ways.Secondly, The film describes how the body parts of the baby develop inside the mother’s womb. I was amazed with this because in nine months pregnancy of the mother, different organs of the baby develop and they turn into a real human being. At 3 weeks old of the baby, imagine that the heart of the baby starts to beat. At early days of the pregnancy of the mother, you will not even notice that the child inside your womb has already a life. Then, the bones start to grow and have proportion at 9 weeks old of the baby. As time goes by, many organs form in the baby and the mother must be careful about their health and thing they are doing because it can really affects the baby. Pregnancy is said to be one of the most beautiful creative processes but yet a great mystery. Conceive the 9-month waiting for the baby to develop from the moment he is only a small cell until he becomes a child in flesh and blood. We should capture that pregnancy is a natural and normal phenomena. As a woman, I understand that pregnancy is a very significant time in a woman’s life and it is very important to know what happens in these nine months and what you can do to keep things on track and avoid problems.Lastly, the video, “Miracles of Life”, explains in detail how a human is born from the start. All organisms contain genes, DNA, and cells and are able to reproduce. In order for a baby to be born, a male gamete meets with the female gamete and this is called fertilization. This is the first step leading to the birth of a baby. The video is prepared not only to show the wonders of prenatal development but also to prove the marvels of life itself. Remarkably beautiful, the “Miracles of Life” records human conception and much more. Living and functioning reproductive systems are shown in the video, and there is so much to explore and absorb. I followed the short journey of millions of sperm as they develop and strive mightily to reach the egg. And I noticed that there isn't a guy in the room who can watch footage without squirming! Likewise, magnification of up to half a million times the actual size allowed me to see the egg from its development in an ovary, through the delicate fallopian tube for fertilization, and on to the uterus for growth and eventual birth.

V – A – Dedication:
            I would like to dedicate this semester to my parents. I’m thanking them for their unconditional support with my studies. I would like also to thank them for giving me a chance to prove and improve myself through all of my walk of life. I love my Mom and Dad, for helping to make who I am today, for teaching me to be proud of who I am, for showing me how to be strong, for giving me the courage to be weak, and giving me the strength to always strive for better, no matter what ... and giving me the wisdom to know when to turn away and when to charge ahead.

V – B – Acknowledgement:
            I would like to thank my Professor, for teaching us a sensible lecture rather than telling far from the subject course. Also, for my friends who helped me in following up whenever I’m absent or got sick.

V – C – References:
            Maslow, A. H.  (1970). Motivation and personality (2nd ed.). New York: HarperCollins.


The Five-Star Experience

(FAIL  ENGLISH. I Know. doing this While I'm half awake. -___-)

I. Summary of Learning:
In Alabang, the first ever five-star hotel there is Bellevue Manila Hotel which is the place where we had a tour. It was awesome because the seminar is held in their ballroom function room. It’s not that big with what I expected it to be. Then, the assistant manager named Kaye Garcia started to tell all about Bellevue and she explained that their ballroom is bigger if they didn’t have to divide it by the divider. Now, that was amazing and cool.

In technical terms, I’ve noticed that what we’re learning in school is what they are discussing too. The speakers were great. They are likely about 3-4 speakers. The first is the assistant manager of Bellevue which I mentioned above. Secondly, Lester is the speaker for purchasing and he is their purchasing manager. Next is, Rodelle Ortega their Housekeeping Manager with Arnold whom showed us the proper way of fixing or doing the bed. Like in our housekeeping, they are just the same. However, they added a duvet and duvet cover. Lastly, Vic Malatao is their Food and Beverage Manager. He is with Adrian the bartender that day. He showed some moves, and made a mojito drink.

For my Professional and Personal observation, Bellevue Manila is one of the finest hotels that I’ve been to. First thing I remembered about tours are — well, it will be boring like other seminars I've been to. But, this one is different. It changed my negative perspective to a positive one. We stayed at Bellevue's Tower Wing, the new wing adjacent to the old one connected and accessible through the lower floors(or the lobby) Upon arrival we were greeted by a helpful doorman, accommodated by the front desk's cheerful receptionists, and brought to our room by a nice bellhop. Like most good hotels, one has to use the magnetic room cardkey to activate the elevator in order to access room floors, which are added security for us! We arrived at the 14th floor in a jiffy, now that's speed! The standard deluxe room we had was actually beyond our expectations, clean smelling pristine white beddings and 4 microfibre pillows! To top it off, we also get to use a flat screen tv! Notably, the free wife access in our room was good! Two thumbs up for that! However, we left the room and started to see if our other classmate have the same size beds, we activate  the room centralized aircon then when we came back our room is exactly cold what we expect it to be. The toilet was noteworthy too, luxurious looking and feel, with a glass encased shower area, separate tub, and a wall-hung water closet with a working bidet. Great hygiene, the toilet was well kept by the cleaners. The towels were clean, soft and odorless, really spared us the icky feeling of using things not our own. Breakfast and dinner buffet at the ballroom located at the second floor main wing was memorable, good service by friendly staff, well planned and prepared scrumptious dishes to whet any appetite and delight the most discriminating palates. What more can we ask for? "Value for your money" are the words that could best describe the hotel. We look forward to staying again at the Bellevue in the near future with my friends and family. Before I forget, after the long seminars, we had a gala night! Cool chaperone professors and awesome Bellevue staff who danced the Harlem shake too as well as per section representative; it is one full fun night I tell you! The day after that is where we tour to B Hotel, which is, a sister company of Bellevue Manila. They also have smiling and hospitable staff that will greet you from the point you step in their hotel lobby.

II. Conclusion and Recommendation:
Over all tour is great. I am satisfied for what I’ve paid for. Worth my time to spent. However, the call time is early and we started travelling after an hour or so. Everyone is approachable and hospitable and students were delighted by everything we've seen. For me, it is one memorable tour for all of us.

III. Picture with Caption:

                I chose this picture because it is so memorable. At the upper left you can see that my friends took a picture of all of us; I can still recall how I can easily adapt their craziness and love plus at the upper right, you can see we took a picture in Bellevue Manila Hotel’s Business Center. At the middle part, almost HO8205 is there; It reminds me of my high school days where everyone is friends with each other. Bottom left, you can see Jaymee, Lynn they are my room buddies that night. They are easily to get along with too, it was fun! In the bottom middle part, you can see our tour guide. Her name is ate May. She was cheerful, kind, and very approachable. Bottom right part, you can see our new friend, Brenda. She is from other section which we get along easily just because she’s very nice.

Sunday, March 3, 2013



            Bellevue Manila is one of the finest hotels that I’ve been to. First thing I remembered about tours are — well, it will be boring like other seminars I've been to. But, this one is different. It changed my negative perspective to a positive one. We stayed at Bellevue's Tower Wing, the new wing adjacent to the old one connected and accessible through the lower floors(or the lobby) Upon arrival we were greeted by a helpful doorman, accommodated by the front desk's cheerful receptionists, and brought to our room by a nice bellhop. Like most good hotels, one has to use the magnetic room cardkey to activate the elevator in order to access room floors, that are added security for us! We arrived at the 14th floor in a jiffy, now that's speed! The standard deluxe room we had was actually beyond our expectations, clean smelling pristine white beddings and 4 microfibre pillows! To top it off, we also get to use a flat screen tv! Notably, the free wife access in our room was good! Two thumbs up for that! However, we left the room and started to see if our other classmate have the same size beds, we activate  the room centralized aircon then when we came back our room is exactly cold what we expect it to be. The toilet was noteworthy too, luxurious looking and feel, with a glass encased shower area, separate tub, and a wall-hung water closet with a working bidet. Great hygiene, the toilet was well kept by the cleaners. The towels were clean, soft and odourless, really spared us the icky feeling of using things not our own. Breakfast and dinner buffet at the ballroom located at the second floor main wing was memorable, good service by friendly staff, well planned and prepared scrumptious dishes to whet any appetite and delight the most discriminating palates. What more can we ask for? "Value for your money" are the words that could best describe the hotel. We look forward to staying again at the Bellevue in the near future with my friends and family. Before I forget, after the long seminars, we had a gala night! Cool chaperone professors and awesome Bellevue staff who danced the Harlem shake too as well as per section representative; It is one full fun night I tell you! The day after that is where we tour to B Hotel, which is, a sister company of Bellevue Manila. They also have smiling and hospitable staff that will greet you from the point you step in their hotel lobby. Over all tour is great. I am satisfied for what I’ve paid for. Worth my time to spend. However, the call time is early and we started travelling after an hour or so. Everyone is kind and students were delighted by everything we've seen. For me, it is one memorable tour for all of us.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Miracle of Life - Reaction Paper



People do all sorts of things to get attention. Why? It may be the last thing on his mind, but this man's body is working toward this. Whether we're thinking about it or not, our bodies want to make babies. And our bodies are very good at it. Around the world about 365,000 new babies get made every day.

But as ordinary as it seems, creating a new human being is no simple feat. Just think of it. No matter who you are, once upon a time you looked like this. From a single cell you built a body that has one hundred trillion cells. You made hundreds of different kinds of tissues and dozens of organs, including a brain that allows you to do remarkable things. How did you do it?

How life arose is a question that is fundamental to both philosophy and science. Responses to it enable one, in turn, to answer such questions as, “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?”, “How am I created?” and “How do I make sense of this world?” This secondary set of questions can be answered in a myriad of ways for a variety of reasons, but the answer to the first question has only two responses. As Douglas Futuyuma says, “Creation and evolution, between them, exhaust the possible explanations for the origin of living things”. The possibility that perhaps the origin of life cannot be explained by a natural mechanism is ignored, and this is disturbing. For if we limit what explanations we are willing to accept for the origin of life, we could be closing our eyes to reality.

The video, “Miracles of Life”, explains in detail how a human is born from the start. All organisms contain genes, DNA, and cells and are able to reproduce. In order for a baby to be born, a male gamete meets with the female gamete and this is called fertilization. This is the first step leading to the birth of a baby.

The video is prepared not only to show the wonders of prenatal development but also to prove the marvels of life itself.          Remarkably beautiful, the “Miracles of Life” records human conception and much more. Living and functioning reproductive systems are shown in the video, and there is so much to explore and absorb. I followed the short journey of millions of sperm as they develop and strive mightily to reach the egg. And I noticed that there isn't a guy in the room who can watch footage without squirming! Likewise, magnification of up to half a million times the actual size allowed me to see the egg from its development in an ovary, through the delicate fallopian tube for fertilization, and on to the uterus for growth and eventual birth.

Your Precious Baby's Life Began At The Moment of Conception! Conception is the moment at which the sperm penetrates the ovum. Once fertilized, he or she is called a zygote at this stage, until reaching the uterus 3-4 days later. Fertilization: The sperm and egg join in the fallopian tube to form a unique human being. Forty-six chromosomes combine, which predetermine all of a person's physical characteristics.

Conception, the beginning of life, takes place when one sperm cell from the male partner fertilizes one ovum (egg) from the female partner and becomes an embryo. This occurs in one of the woman's Fallopian tubes and provided the embryo is then transported to the uterus for implantation, pregnancy begins. It may sound simple and straightforward but the process demands fine and delicate biological tuning.

An ovum needs to be regularly released each month from the ovary, a process that can only proceed if a complicated cascade of hormonal events takes place without interference. This egg then needs to be able to move freely along an unblocked Fallopian tube where it can be fertilized by a sperm and then reach the womb.

The sperm have to be healthy, motile and numerous, although only one will ultimately penetrate the egg and form an embryo with it. Then the lining of the womb must also be receptive to this embryo so that it can embed itself within it and begin to produce the hormones necessary to maintain the pregnancy thereafter. Any one of these sensitive but essential components of fertility can easily be upset by a number of unfavourable factors. Many, however, are within your control.

I have never thought about what an absolute miracle my life is. I can’t imagine how I came to be. Out of thousands of eggs and millions of sperm, one egg and one sperm united to produce me. Had the union of sperm and egg come a day or even a month earlier or later, I might have been very different, maybe the opposite sex or with curly hair or longer legs. The exact person that I am, born to my parents, on the date and time I was born, with the DNA structure I have has about a 1:400,000,000,000 (one in 400 billion) chance of existing. If I don’t call that miraculous, then I don’t know what that is!

The film has shown me something profoundly beautiful and yet has left its fundamental mystery intact. The “Miracles of Life” is exceptional and it is a documentary that can also be considered as art. Watching the video is like having a journey as I witnessed the complex, mysterious way of life.

Body Atlas: In the Womb (Reaction Paper)


BODY ATLAS: In the Womb


Thy Womb is a film that is worth watching for. This film indeed tells the reality of living. The reality in which people do have different cultures as well as their way of living that was affected by the things or events in their surroundings. This reality is also experienced by us in our lives but in different circumstances. For myself, as I watched this film, confusion did take place but when I finished the film somehow everything just turned out to be connected with the vision and the objective of our educator, Sir Johnny Rocha speaking as a third person.

Pregnancy is said to be one of the most beautiful creative processes but yet a great mystery. Conceive the 9-month waiting for the baby to develop from the moment he is only a small cell until he becomes a child in flesh and blood. We should capture that pregnancy is a natural and normal phenomena. As a woman, I understand that pregnancy is a very significant time in a woman’s life and it is very important to know what happens in these nine months and what you can do to keep things on track and avoid problems.

The topic of human birth is quite an interesting one. For example, why do we give birth the way we do? Why is labour so incapacitating to human females, and how has natural selection been a factor? The film has investigated the way in which the process of human pregnancy has evolved over time, and found a strong link between the biological and the sociological.

Large animals generally have longer pregnancies. Humans have one of the longest, 39 weeks as said in the film. Pregnancy varies little from woman to woman. All of the eggs a woman will produce are formed in her ovaries before she is born. They are the largest cells in the body. A man will continue to produce sperm for most of his life. A woman releases one egg every 28 days. It drifts into a fallopian tube and will be impregnated by only one of the millions of sperm which have entered her body.

All of the genetic information to produce a unique human is combined from the egg and sperm. In 1 1/2 days the fertilized egg will divide into two cells. It will take one week to travel down the fallopian tube to attach itself to the wall of the uterus. The baby are develop started in 3rd week. The heart of the fetus begins beating. Most organs have begun. In less than a month the egg becomes an embryo. In 5th week, the umbilical cord functioning. The brain of the fetus is 1/3 of its size. In the sixth week, the fingers and toes start forming. Seventh week, first movement is undetectable and the baby weighs is 1/3 oz. In the 8th week, the fetus is one inch long, the bone is forming and begun to be like a human. The head is almost 1/2 of body's length in the ninth week. Rudimentary spinal cord is formed. No sign of consciousness. In the 14th week, the mother can feel movement. Fetus swallows and excretes. Thumb sucking begins and indicating handedness.

Fetus fills womb in 16th week. It is receiving food and eliminating waste through the umbilical cord to the placenta, which acts as its lungs, liver and digestive organs. In the 20th week, the heartbeat is twice the mother's and is delivering daily a few spoonfuls of blood. A woman is aware of its sleeping and waking times. In the 26th week, Mother's heart, kidneys, breathing, and skin are adapting. Baby can hear and is light sensitive. In the 30th week, the baby now almost independents, has a good chance of survival, though still 2 months premature. In 35th-39th week, the baby's muscle tone and brain well developed. The Mother has gained 30 lbs. Baby turns headed down. The most awaiting moment from a mother is the birth of the baby. The baby' first cry starts its breathing and oxygen intake causes red blood cells to change its colour from blue to pink. The infant are dependent to the vital until the umbilical have cut. The infant are independent. They will breathe in their own.

Humans are formed from two cells that combined and fertilized. From many sperm cells fighting for one egg cell, a human being is form. As the success of human birth and the ability to conceive more frequently in a lifetime became greater. Increased birth rates meant increased variation, providing a larger pool of genetic traits to be selected for or against. Birth evolved from a private to a social process in order to increase the rates of survival for both mother and child. With time, this socialization led to the development of various techniques of compensating for the physical limitations. Many people believe that sometimes they are unfortunate, but being birth is very auspicious. Among millions of sperms, having different genes, you are formed.

The film describes how the body parts of the baby develop inside the mother’s womb. I was amazed with this because in nine months pregnancy of the mother, different organs of the baby develop and they turn into a real human being. At 3 weeks old of the baby, imagine that the heart of the baby starts to beat. At early days of the pregnancy of the mother, you will not even notice that the child inside your womb has already a life. Then, the bones start to grow and have proportion at 9 weeks old of the baby. As time goes by, many organs form in the baby and the mother must be careful about their health and thing they are doing because it can really affects the baby.

According to the film, loud sounds can make the baby jump in the mother’s womb. So if I will become pregnant someday in the future, I must be aware of the sounds I hear. Classical music or sounds can help the baby to be intelligent or nurture the talents even if they are only inside the womb. Anything that the mother can hear, feel, eats, drink; really affect the health of the child.

Also being careless of the mother can affect the baby. If you will get slide onto a wet place, there is a tendency that your child will have lip pallet because in the womb, your child is having a thumb sucking movement. Moreover, if your child is a right-handed in writing, s/he sucked in his/her right hand when inside the womb and vice versa in left- handed. “Body Atlas: In the Womb” gives me lots of knowledge that will surely help me for being a mother or how to take care of my baby while inside my womb in the future. It will really help me to take care of my child and do things that will enhance my child whenever I have plans on having a baby; also I’ll use classical music than the popular songs so that my child will have a better progress of thinking, to do a lot of things, to enhance its own abilities, to think faster, to know its own talents and be smarter.