Thursday, January 24, 2013

PSY homework - Midterm

Reaction Paper (3-5 sentences)

1)    I like the thought of Gary Ryan Blair by saying that success is like a combination of lock in a vault or a vault of success and it must be in the right number of sequence. It made me think and feel like I should really try to do the ten rules for success in order to attain my own success. Sometimes, when I plan thoroughly, I do not include others nor involve them because I don’t know that they have to be. Especially, when it comes to failure, I never like it or welcome it neither rewarding myself after reaching my goal.

2)    In life, ten percent of it what you do or what you make out of it and ninety percent of it is how you take it, either positively or negatively. It is always your choice, that’s what I like about Dan Green’s thought. It made me feel enthusiastic and hopeful for tons of opportunity to come in the future, during and after watching the link. Lastly, he reminded me to always finish strong.

3)    Little difference is your attitude towards success and the big difference of it is your actions or how you react, either positively or negatively. That’s what Mac Anderson and Bob Kelly left me with a lot of questions in mind. But then again, they let me realize that the best of success is within you, yourself and how you pursue your dreams and turn it into opportunity of success in a positively way. When you obtain your goal, spread sunshine to others or share it to them.

4)    In 365 days of Inspiration movie by Zig Ziglar, are all quotes on how to be inspired in a year. It made me think for a few seconds, and the movie is still playing and then, “our words reveal our thoughts, our manners mirror our self-esteem, our actions reflect our character, our habits predict the future” that quote on the screen made me pause for a second and thought for something. That thought made me realize that I should be always at my bests and accepts failure. It is such a relief to see this movie and be inspired.

5)    “One choice can change your life!” that is the one thing that processed in my mind. For a choice, you should take action either it is starting a new career, losing weight, adopting a child, starting a business, or simplifying life, you should always give it back. Always be thankful for what you have and what you’ve done, that is what I gained/ realized from the movie link.

6)    Life is not about perfection, it is about a progress. That thought of BJ Gallagher inspired me! An inches turns into miles. A pearl can turn in a strand of pearls. Even in a small act of yours, can turn into a big appreciation for someone. It is like staying in the course, like what the movie link said. The best way out of it is the power of perseverance.

7)    This one is the most inspiring link of all because the quotes written/ shown is from the Great Leaders throughout the world and that’s why Great Quotes is the title of Peggy Anderson chooses. The twenty-five quotes gathered by Anderson were the best of all. It is all about life, challenges, dreams, success, failures, attitudes, love, and dealing with other people. The most quote that inspired me is from Mahatma Ghandi, he said, that we must become the change we want to see in the world. For me, It is within ourselves we need to change before we change the world that’s what I understand from Ghandi’s thought.

8)    “Kindness is a language we all understand. Even the blind can see it and the deaf can hear it”, said by Mother Teresa. After watching the clip of appreciation made by Barbara Glanz, it made me realize that even in a letter you can show that you appreciate someone if words are hardly spoken and actions can lead you in different interpretations but a letter doesn’t. Like John’s teacher in the 8th grade, if I received a letter from one of my students’ way back, I would likely to react of being overjoyed by gladness because someone appreciates me and still remembers me after long years passed and be thankful for it.

9)    Power of kindness by Mac Anderson. His clip showed me the thought of, “do something kind without expecting a reward in return”. In our generation, a lot of teenagers are doing kindness to other people because we expect something in return well in fact, that is not a requirement. It feels like you are just doing it because you wanted something back too. So this movie link, made me realized that a good heart is equivalent of a good life. Help people because you wanted to with open arms, not because you are expecting something in return or expect them to be like you. That will be always kept in my mind.

10)  Three letters from Teddy is originally published and well known written by Elizabeth Silance Ballard and now, it known as making a difference, it is the new title. Miss Thompson’s attitudes toward judging students by the way they look and act changed especially when she meets Teddy Stallard. She never knew that Teddy strives to learn and excel in school, until she saw the past comments of his teachers; “Teddy is a smart guy, good to his classmates and very well loved by everyone”. “Teddy is bothered, and brought him in a severe path of depression about his mother’s death and then he withdrawn.” When Miss Thompson saw that, she realized why Teddy was acting that way and she started to cry less than an hour. This movie link made me cry, seriously. Especially when teddy gave her the rhinestone bracelet and perfume of his mom, it’s the last Christmas they had together. They really had the big impact out of me. They made a difference through one another through their experiences and attitudes towards one another.

11)   The strangest secret by Earl Nightingale is the secret to success. And yes, there is a secret to success. As said on the video, success is a progressive realization of a worthy ideal. As I interpret it, the secret to success is the choice of what you want to achieve. You become what you think about and always plant your goal in your mind, sought it through and achieve it.

12)  Be blessed. In this movie link, always choose to be on the positive perspective and be thankful. Even if you are in your darkest days, always find for a path of light or a path of goodness. There is nothing wrong to be sad, but being happy is a better feeling to feel than sorrow or revenge. For in every storm, may bring you a rainbow; and in every sorrow, may bring you a thousands of joy, like what the clip shown.

13)  TAC, “To A Child”, love is spelled T-I-M-E. When we are growing up, we never knew that for a kid, being loved is giving your precious time to them because for them, they just need your attention even for a few minutes. Like what the movie link shown me, Jimmy and his dad’s perspectives way back. Dad wrote in his own journal: “Wasted time with Jimmy didn’t catch a thing” but for Jimmy, 4th of June is: “Went fishing with my Dad. Best day of my life”. In that two phrases I felt guilty at the same touched me, guilty because I seldom give my parents attention because I’m happily attached with my peers, and touched because I realized that my parents appreciated me and they are the best that anyone could have. Even if, to the world you might be one person, but to one person, you might be the world. That’s the ended thought that I’ll remember.

14)  Change is good. There are twenty-one ways to inspire change in this movie link. I rarely see the point of this movie neither like this nor did I get the message right. They just enumerate a lot of things it didn’t inspire me. Different from what I expect, and it turn out to be a lousy video presentation.

15)  This last video clip is a lesson taught by Bob Proctor. It is really difficult to track this one and I don’t know if it is the right one. But it says on youtube that is it or is entitled as: BOB PROCTOR on SUBCONCIOUS MIND and HOW TO PROGRAM IT, hoping that I got the message and the right clip. He said that our subconscious mind is already programmed or with a paradigm. In our conscious mind, we have our five senses while in our sub-conscious are ideas, thoughts or images what our conscious mind seen, heard, tasted, felt, or even smelled it. What I’ve learned about this movie link is that if we change our paradigm, we change our lives.

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