(Reaction Paper)
The Secret is a book written by Rhonda Byrne, which is known as the best-selling book in 2006. I was amazed when I entered the classroom and found out that we’ll be viewing/watching the DVD about The Secret. I know for sure that I’ve seen the book in National Bookstore; which I don’t know that there’s a DVD. I wanted to have that book since I saw it and unfortunately I don’t have enough money to buy it because my priority is to buy my favourite novels and time passes, I forgot all about that book entitled The Secret. I know it is shameful that I never bought it nor searched it on the internet if there’s any DVD; I was so focused to buy the book that I wanted. I am lucky that I am a part who knows The Secret and I am thankful to know it.
To begin with, The Secret is a life changing, it makes you financially independent, it let your mind powerful and lastly, it will make you successful. The Secret is kept hidden from thousands of people and they let their ignorance spread to people; it was buried, coveted, suppressed and it was never revealed to the public. According to Bob Proctor, a philosopher, the secret gives you anything you want; happiness, health, and wealth. He also said that “we become what we think”, which means whatever we think it predict our future. The law of Attraction is The Secret; what we see, hold, or even our thoughts are equivalent to what we need, want or even demand and it attracts to you. Like what I watched and jotted down, an affirmative thought is a thousand’s more powerful than negative thought. The more you think, the more it will happen because the universe is reacting to what you want; which means that it attracts what you think. Also, mind shaping what it being perceive it is always your choice at the end. Let go of the bad habits, the old routine focus on new choices or what you want even more rather than doing the same old boring and unhappy ways. The law of attraction is like Aladdin’s Genie it grants our every command. There are three steps in creating what you want by the help of create process, (1) ask, (2) believe, and (3) receive. In real life, there is no default, autopilot, or even a monitor that you’ll just click yourself to shut down. There are easy ways to feel good, be good and it is one of your choices if you really want to have a wonderful life, it is thinking a new positive possibilities. It is always creating feedback mechanisms, what you desire or even creating your own future in your mind is one of creating your life into a positively way. Even in money, people or writing a book it always attracts you ‘because in reality, there is no rule book. Every predominantly feeling you feel is temporary, so when you are feeling angry, change your emotion and put goodness in your life.
Thinking plus doing it is equals to attraction. The first thing to do is to change your kind of thinking especially those past habits. There are two power of process, gratitude and visualize. Our imagination isn’t limited, imagine and visualize everything what you want to achieve in your life and that visualization/ imagination is your Vision Board in life. It is what you want to achieve or your goals, it visualizes, you make actions and you can see the law of attraction. The mind is functioning and helping the body to achieve it too, it dwells upon the end result of your holographic experience; and in every feeling there is attraction, it is also inner-seeing yourself by how well you want change, to see or feel miracles and magic, feeling good is not a requirement and not a chore, it is always a choice. You think positively everyday and began to feel new experiences you never had. What you focus into your life is what you want in your life, like what kind of people you let in, in yourself or even the job you eagerly wanted to have, a healthy living, a wealthier year, or any kind of circumstances in your daily lives.
There are six different secrets that I’ve learned. They are; The Secret to Money, The Secret to Relationships, The Secret to Health, The Secret of the World, The Secret to You, and lastly The Secret to Life. Wealth is a mindset according to the secret to money, which also means as life is abundant in all areas. You have to be inspired by the thought you acquire from your mind or literally means visualizing what you want, believe and intend to do it. Prosperity is equals to abundance. You will feel inner joy, inner peace, and inner vision. When you are feeling negative vibration, you have to change it, into a positive one so that it won’t affect you. The things that I remembered from the secret to relationship are the; you need to respect yourself, love it and gives yourself a treat. “When you won’t focus on yourself first, how can someone even love you too?” this marked my mind and that made a big impact from me that’s why I never had a long and stronger relationship with anyone. The sweetest thing in the video is that when you love someone; write down what you like about him; whether it’s their odour, knowledge and a lot more characteristics of an individual. Let them appreciate you and vice versa, always acknowledge their strength and yours. The third secret is to health, he become what he thought. Health is like healing your own self, it is always your choice whether you want to live happy or just sat there in one corner and be sad all day long. Like what the video said, He used his thoughts and mind works and then he was healed. He was healed because he chooses joy, he chooses to live happy and he thought of happy thoughts.
“Not everyone wants the same”, that phrase came from secret of world. This part of the video, I wasn’t paying attention because I felt irritated. I barely have notes in this part--so sad, I lost focus because of my temporary emotion. But I asked myself, will you just let get into your nerves? And my subconscious said, “I’ve got to get back and snap out of it”. That’s what the law of attraction made me do in just seconds. It’s so amazing how I can apply it. The secret to you is next; in life is where you will found energies, where God created the universe to be like that. We are all connected but we barely see it. You mean eternal it is made for perfection and there is always a power within you. You choose what path you will take. Life of your own is like writing a novel a pen is in you and you began to think, write, do it, and you let yourself once in a while to break free you design your own path. Lastly, the Secret to Life like you work with the secret. Your mission is what you interpret it. You are the creator of your own life depending to what you think. If you follow your bliss you live in a constant joy, which is you have to feel good and sustain what you have, appreciate everything lastly, don’t regret anything because you did that for a reason whether you know or not. The three important highlights are inner joy, inner peace and inner vision first. You have to feel good!
What my Vision Board have: (not arranged)
- Own Restaurant
- Own Family and to have Twins
- Blessed My Family (my parents and brother)
- Spiritually Healthy (God’s protection)
- Charity for Old People
- Stay intact with my Friends
- Thank my Professors
- Time (never waste any of it)
- Diploma in Culinary School
- College Graduate of FEU
- TV Host, Cooking show like Rachael Ray
- Girl Version of Gordon Ramsay
- Julia Child’s Determination
- Help Orphanage for Children
- Wealthier
- Have my own Dream House