90's kids are the last generation that learned to play on the street.
the first who played video games.
the first to see cartoons in color and went to amusement parks.
the last to record songs of radio on cassettes.
the pioneers of walk mans and chat rooms.
the 1st teenagers to eat pizza's and burgers.
the pioneer who initiated the "SMS Language".
Waking up at 8:00 and running outside to play with friends.
Not caring what you looked like.
Not worrying if he would like you.
Getting dirty and coming home and taking a bubble bath.
When swearing was such a bad thing.
When there wasn't such thing as a rumor.
When getting in trouble at school was only because you wouldn't share your crayons, when you only remember your house number.
When we didn't spend days on the internet just to check social medias.
When the only reason girls cried was when they got hurt or if someone died.
Holding your moms hand while in the mall.
When the only music we listened to was on Disney or Cartoon Network.
When our parents would plan who we hung out with.
When we did whatever we wanted with out being judged.
When we didn't text all day.

When you miss being able to watch good TV shows.
When you miss Recess, Doug, Hey Arnold, Rocket Power, Power puff Girls, Power Rangers, Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pokemon, and Digimon (other good shows).
When you also miss Mighty Ducks and Lion King.
When you wished JUMANJI was REAL.
When you play video games on PS1 - 3, Gameboy (Ninetendo) etc.
You grew up watching old Nickelodeon cartoons
Listening to NSYNC, A1 and Backstreetboys. Prolly all the boy bands before.
Jamming out on hitclips.
Laughing hysterically at the Amanda show.
Getting Spice Girls stuck in your head.
Playing with your very own tamagotchi.
Being mesmerized by your "GAMEBOY COLOR"
Making treats in your easy bake oven.
Watching hilarious "ALL THAT" skits.
"Smells like Teen Spirit"
Reading Harry Potter.
Playing with the "ORIGINAL" Pokemon.
But most of all, I miss the simplicity.
Living a simple easy life.
Years of wonderful memories.
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