The Disaster Management focus on Earthquake and Fire, this concept is usually common today. By concentrating population, buildings, infrastructure and economic activities into small areas, the greater interplay between the different urban elements that exist creates higher vulnerability indices compared with the same elements widely spread in a rural environment. A multiplying effect occurs in urban areas therefore, losses due to natural hazards are usually much more severe than in rural areas. For this reason, more than ever before, the issues of urban planning and disaster management are crucial in ensuring adequate social, economic and environmental conditions. Natural disasters can destroy decades of human effort and investment. Since natural disasters can have a strong negative impact on long-term development, they are a threat to sustainable development. In addition to the direct social and economic impact, natural disasters affect employment, the balance of trade and foreign indebtedness for years after their occurrence, and funds intended for development are often diverted into costly relief efforts. Disaster management should consist of an organised effort to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from a disaster. Before this was discussed to us, the first speaker’s topic was about Leadership. Leadership is the ability to influence individuals or groups toward the achievement of goals. Leadership, as a process, shapes the goals of a group or organization, motivates behaviour toward the achievements of those goals, and helps define group or organizational culture. It is primarily a process of influence.
I am so excited before the presentation started. ‘Cause in the past seminars it was amazing. I learned a lot from it. It is fun, and there’s never a dull moment. I was so stunned by the speakers. Mr. JM OLACO made some speech/shared his experiences with us before letting the speakers talk. He told us that there will be two speakers in this module. I was so thrilled and very excited. First speaker is, Mr. John Carlo Yu. He is the one who shared about Leadership. Leadership has been defined in many ways as far as I know. Since I started researching on the subject I’ve found at least a dozen definitions in Google. But, the definitions of Mr. Yu are one of the best. He said that in every Leadership made there’s a leader behind it. And every leader has challenges to tackle. He clearly stated that “Every challenge involves Fighting obstacles.” Then, “Every challenge involves Extra-ordinary rebels.” Lastly, “Every challenge involves a Universe of your own.” short for FEU. And a lot from his presentation leads me to do something better and still aim high to have a better future ahead. The second speaker was Mr. Ariel Castillo, he presented the Earthquake and Fire topic. I never expected that this presentation is boring. All he did is read his PowerPoint presentation in front. After the presentation, I felt half glad and half disappointed.
I learned in this module is that being a Leader is taking the first step even though it is the hardest step of all, because once you took it and get out from your shell everything will follow and everything will just be an insect bite. Taking the risk is one way to know your limit and things that you can do. Failing is just a step towards your success. Like in the presentation, it is said that Life is Risk. If you never fail, you never live. The five hard things, first is that things are outside your comfort zone. Secondly, things that goes beyond what is expected or required. Third, is that things that are too big to accomplish alone. Then, things that don’t earn immediate pay off. Lastly, are the things that challenge the cultural norm. The best quote that Mr. Yu said was that “You are far more capable than you think”. For the second presentation, all I could sum up is that Earthquake is the effect of the human beings that is torturing the nature. It could lead us into the imbalance of the cycle. The role of communities in disaster reduction is increasingly being recognized. Communities are knowledgeable about their own environment and possess rich coping experiences. Involving communities in the whole process of hazard identification, vulnerability and capacity assessments, and risk reduction program development and implementation ensures that problems are addressed by appropriate interventions. The community is the main actor as well as the beneficiary in the risk reduction and development process. As far as I remember, that is all that I could say that I learned about the second topic.
As a leader, it can help me to my personal growth and participation in the community. And I can share it to my fellow students. In the Earthquake and Fire module It can help me in a way that I’ll be aware of what will I do if there’s an actual Earthquake occurring.
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