Saturday, June 4, 2011

How to Move on After a Relationship. (ehem!)

  1. Start by accepting that your relationship has ended and is now in the past. Perhaps your trust or confidence took a hit and you might feel hurt, but better days are ahead
  2. If you’re still talking to your ex and it brings back feelings or emotions while you two can/should no longer be together, then stop the communication. In many situations, it’s okay to be friends but if talking to them keeps you from moving on with your life and finding someone new, then you have to bite the bullet. Remember to never call when you’re intoxicated and don’t answer their phone calls.
  3. Focus on yourself. When in a relationship, you usually have another person to take into consideration. Take this time to find out more about what you like to do and what makes you happy. It’s important to be emotionally available when trying to move on to perhaps someone new.
  4. Get out of the house. If you have activities that you haven’t taken up in a while, get back to doing them. If you have an activity that you’ve always wanted to try, this might be the ideal time to start.
  5. Always smile and say hello, especially to people you find attractive. There is no better invitation and it might even work wonders for your self-esteem and confidence. You have no control over where you might meet the great love of your life, if you’re open to moving on and dating new people, it will happen if you take the time to just smile and say hello.
  6. Go out on dates. While some people need time for themselves before getting back out there again, the only way to know if you’re ready is to go out on a date a see how it feels. You should always be honest with yourself and the other person so at least they know what can be expected from you. If you’re a guy and don’t have dates readily available, go out with a female friend or even your cousin. It might help to get you back into the swing of things. For women, the same rule applies.

  1. Give yourself time to make sure you're ready to date, but the sooner you get out there, the quicker you might find yourself ready to move on.
  2. Don't hold onto the past because you no longer have control over it and don't be afraid of the future because you never know what might happen.
  3. Try to avoid bringing up a bad break-up when talking to new people.

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