Friday, March 18, 2011

Graduation Song. (2005-2006)

 I've Been Reachin' Higher

Down the weary road we trod carefully, endlessly we travel on.
Hand in hand we'll reach the place where we belong, 
light at heart and free to sing our song!

Side by side we climb ahead, looking for the journey's end,
we're movin' on! To a different drum and yet the end is free;
freedom for ourselves and for our song!

I've been reachin' higher, still I'm reachin' higher,
I can grasp the rainbow ends beyond the highest stars;
where in my heart, my hands can touch its dream burst cross the sky!

I've been reachin' higher, still I'm reachin' higher,
tho' the fight is long, with courage strong will soon be o'er.
And as time travels on, my friend, they'll know we walk'd here before

Side by side we climb ahead looking for the journey's end,
we're movin' on.
Down the road, the dream we hold has just begun,
reachin' higher 'til the task is done!

I've been reachin' higher, still I'm reachin' higher,
tho' the fight is long, with courage strong,
will soon be o'er, and as time travels on, my friend,
they'll know we walk'd here before!

I've been reachin' higher in the sky!
I've been reachin' higher in the sky!
I've been reachin' higher in the sky!
I've been reachin' higher in the sky!

Kalibo Pilot Elementary School
KPES Mini-theater - April 1, 2006 - 3:00 P.M.

-reminiscing the old times. :)

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