Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ayokong i-PM ka. bakit? ...

  • Baka kasi busy ka.

  • Sabihin mo pa eh naghahabol ako.

  • Baka naabala lang kita.

  • Baka mainis ka lang kasi sa kulit ko.

  • Baka wala ka sa mood kausapin ako.

  • Hindi ko alam ang iisipin mo kung imessage kita.

Pero ..

  • Miss na kita.

  • Gusto ko kasi palagi kang kausap.

  • Gusto kong kamustahin ka at malaman kung okay ka lang.

  • Gusto kong malaman na nasa buhay mo pa rin ako.

  • Hindi ako makapagdecide kung ipPM ba talaga kita.

  • Napaka simpleng gawain, pero mahirap pa rin gawin.

minsan, gm na lang ginagawa ko. AHAHA! :DD

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"NA" o "PA"

'cause nothing ever really goes, THE WAY IT'S PLANNED.
'cause nothing ever really goes, THE WAY IT'S PLANNED.

alin kaya ang mas kaya mong pakinggan?

mahal NA kita.
...mahal PA kita.

masaya NA ako sayo.
masaya PA ako sayo.

di NA kita mahal.
di PA kita mahal.

ayoko NA.
ayoko PA.

tayo NA ba?
tayo PA ba?

simpleng salita, isang letra lang ang naiba,
pero ang laki ng nagbago di ba? >_<

Friday, March 18, 2011

The cutest fairytale

 You know why Shrek is the best fairytale?

Because in all other fairytale's,
the princess and the prince are perfect.

But in Shrek, it teaches us that imperfect people 
can still have their happy endings. :)

Graduation Song. (2005-2006)

 I've Been Reachin' Higher

Down the weary road we trod carefully, endlessly we travel on.
Hand in hand we'll reach the place where we belong, 
light at heart and free to sing our song!

Side by side we climb ahead, looking for the journey's end,
we're movin' on! To a different drum and yet the end is free;
freedom for ourselves and for our song!

I've been reachin' higher, still I'm reachin' higher,
I can grasp the rainbow ends beyond the highest stars;
where in my heart, my hands can touch its dream burst cross the sky!

I've been reachin' higher, still I'm reachin' higher,
tho' the fight is long, with courage strong will soon be o'er.
And as time travels on, my friend, they'll know we walk'd here before

Side by side we climb ahead looking for the journey's end,
we're movin' on.
Down the road, the dream we hold has just begun,
reachin' higher 'til the task is done!

I've been reachin' higher, still I'm reachin' higher,
tho' the fight is long, with courage strong,
will soon be o'er, and as time travels on, my friend,
they'll know we walk'd here before!

I've been reachin' higher in the sky!
I've been reachin' higher in the sky!
I've been reachin' higher in the sky!
I've been reachin' higher in the sky!

Kalibo Pilot Elementary School
KPES Mini-theater - April 1, 2006 - 3:00 P.M.

-reminiscing the old times. :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sex Education in Schools Pros and Cons


Sex education is one of the most controversial issues in education, that has been hovering over educational institutions since ages. It is probably the most controversial topic, that will always have a divided opinion. Some people will always agree and some will always disagree. Try though everyone may, it is almost impossible to shrug off the responsibility of informing students about the importance of sex education. Problems like teen pregnancy, and STDs, rise due to unsafe sex, and the only way to avoid it is by educating the students about it. Let us see some sex education in schools pros and cons in the article below.

Sex Education in Schools Debate

Most of us limit the scope of sex education, by making the mistake of taking it by its face value. Sex education is not just about sex. It involves other delicate issues like sexual health, sexual reproduction, sexuality and others that parents often feel awkward to talk about with their children. Hence, it becomes the responsibility of the schools to take up this topic, and inform and educate the students about it as much as they can. However, this is almost never taken easily by parents and students themselves. They begin deliberation on sex education in schools pros and cons, and form an attitude towards it based on what they think is right. Let us see some pros and cons of sex education in school and then decide for ourselves.

Sex Education in Schools Pros
Sex education in schools statistics show that more than 50% of American teenagers lose their virginity by the age of 17. It also shows that sex education in schools, is well accepted only by 7% of the American parents. The other 93% still consider it a taboo to talk about sex to their children, and make up the ever popular stories of birds and bees. But do they stop for a moment and think that it is not the presence of sex education in schools, but its absence that has made the rate of teen pregnancy go up to such a high level? Given below are some more arguments for sex education. Read on..

Stress on Abstinence
Most schools that do provide sex education, have an 'abstinence is the best solution' approach to it. They stress on abstinence as the perfect way to be totally free from any problems whatsoever, related to sex, and sexuality. Which actually makes sense. We all believe that prevention is better than cure, so why not just wait for the right age to engage in sexual activity. The two most important things that you need to be sexually active, namely your mind and your body, are not fully matured when kids are in school. It puts them in grave danger, physically and psychologically.

Birth Control
Schools that don't use the abstinence approach, prefer to go the safe sex way. They have accepted the fact that the sexual activities of teenagers and even pre-teens cannot be controlled by a class taken in school. They know that the students have other resources to get information. So they would rather give them tips on how to engage in safe sex, by using appropriate birth control measures if they are sexually active, than preaching abstinence. They train them on using different methods of birth control, and also the dangers of teenage pregnancy.

Information about STDs
It is only through sex education in schools, that students will get proper, and honest information about sexually transmitted diseases. The grave dangers that these diseases pose to them, the physical and mental torture that they may have to go through if they fall prey to an STD, and the dangers of contracting AIDS, are well explained. This instills in the students a sense of responsibility, that creeps out of fear for their health and life. And they behave more responsibly.

Sex Education in Schools Cons
Though there are many sex education in public schools pros and cons, and though the pros may seem like very valid reasons to vouch for it, there are certain people who believe that sex is better left to be understood by teenagers themselves, or worse through unreliable sources. Hence, they strongly oppose the idea of sex education in schools. Let us see some of the arguments against sex education in schools now.

Not Enough Importance
It is often seen that sex education is not taken seriously. Students tend to look at it as a subject of ridicule, and either don't attend the classes, or if made compulsory, either engage in snickering and giggling, throughout. They seem to be aware of much more than the person who's teaching them about it, thanks to numerous movies, sitcoms, and other media propagating sex as a style statement. The sensationalizing of sex in school has reached such a level that teens will engage in sex, just to prove how 'cool' and 'popular' they can be. There's little that sex ed can do for them. And it's not just the students, but the faculty too. If they really want to take sex education for children to a whole new level of understanding and importance, then they should have more than the customary classes that they do, and hire people who are trained and well informed to teach the students about it.

Religious Beliefs and Sentiments
Many groups of people believe that when it comes to sex education in high schools pros and cons, the cons outweigh the pros, for one very simple reason. They believe, beyond a doubt, that their children should not be exposed to something as crude as sex education, in their school days because their religion does not permit it. It goes against their religious beliefs and sentiments, and they do not accept it, on principle. It becomes very difficult to argue with people, when they bring religion to the forefront. And so, many schools prefer to leave this sensitive issue untouched.

As opposed to 'abstinence only' education, when schools propagate safe sex, they run the risk of having their information misinterpreted by the students. We will all agree that we can listen to hours and hours of lecturing about any topic, but finally do exactly what we want. Unfortunately, it is the same with sex education. Students may listen to the lecturers going on and on about safe sex, but in the end, engage in unsafe sex. They will justify saying that they learned about it in school, and that if teachers did not want them to engage in sexual activities, they never should have brought up the topic in the first place. Curiosity can make them foolish steps which they will undoubtedly regret later.

As you can see, the possibility of the debate about sex education in schools pros and cons reaching a consensus is something that will take a while to happen. Until then, all we can do is hope that the children realize their responsibilities towards their bodies and towards their minds.

This inspired me to create some blogs, again. :)
I do not own this one.


Sex education is a broad term used to describe education about human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive rights and responsibilities, abstinence, contraception, and other aspects of human sexual behavior.

Comprehensive Sexuality Education is a program that starts in kindergarten and continues through high school. It brings up age appropriate sexuality topics and covers the broad spectrum of sex education, including safe sex, STDs, contraceptives, masturbation, body image, and more. If this is the type of sex education your teen is receiving at school there may be times that you need to buffer some of the information, as it may have come sooner than your teenager needed it.

Undoubtedly, the ideal place for sex education is the home. Unfortunately, even the best of parents are sometimes uncomfortable discussing the subject with their children. They may delay, waiting until the child asks questions. Before they realize it, the optimal time has come and gone. The child will be questioning, all right, but perhaps the wrong people. All kinds of misinformation is passed unwittingly between friends in the same age group.

In the Primary Grades a section of the Health curriculum, entitled "Family Life" should introduce the children to the proper names for body parts and explain how a baby grows inside its mother's uterus until it is ready to live on its own. This information would be presented within the context of a normal family, with textbook pictures of children with whom the students can identify.

Sex Education is intended to endoctrinate not educate. The idea here is to make children comfortable with promiscious sex. That in turn leads to low self-esteem and ultimately mental weakness. When people are broken emotionally, they can then be controlled physically. This is the ultimate goal of the political left.

Traditionally, sex education came from home, it starts with the parents not in school. Eventually, the elementary students won't be able to understand sex as much as older students would. It would only make them curious and they may even do stuff they shouldn't do. Plus, it would psychologically murder them. It's just the un-matured behavior of the people who are opposing it! Leaving the young generation on a road of doubts! In our generation, we did not learned about sex at our basic education. We learned it when we are at our secondary level and continuing to understand it. Other people, you or even I is still confused about what really is the SEX EDUCATION, how much more the young ones could handle it.

Typically, most schools fall in the middle of the two types of programs. Either way, you will need to know what your children is being - or is not being - taught about sex and their sexuality. Then you can be prepared for their questions with the correct answers, and not leave it to their friends or the media to educate them.

Sex education can only be started from home. if family atmosphere gives freedom for thoughts then children will learn in a better way.

It's absolutely ridiculous to talk sex between a teacher and a student. These are matters which doesn't need a tutor to teach. What I said earlier, sex education at home by the parents is the best. But its not possible for all parents. There are some parents that is irresponsible for this kind of stuffs. If we know about this, why will the following generation young ones have to know about it? They would have those never ending "what ifs".. teens should be educated with this stuffs so that it could help them to realize what is sex and be open minded about this and not the little ones. They should not be taught about this!! I mean the youth of today is quite corrupt and ahead of times already and providing sex education would make them brood on that topic forever. Sex education is not necessary in school education. It is something inborn to all living creatures just like other senses. This topic is not something to be guided or assisted by a teacher. YOU PEOPLE (Those who want sex eucation in schools), Let kids be innocent! and not be spoiled.

I think its absolutely wrong to teach our generation about sex. It will destroy our young generation. Actually everything moves smoothly when it is going according to its natural manner. And unnatural ways always bring destruction. If you see when a youth is able to understand about sex ,he tries to know about it secretly but not in front of everyone. This is actually beacause he doesn not want other people to know that he is interested in knowing about sex. So, if we bring sexual education into our syllables believe me it will destroy our upcoming generation. When you bring it into our education slowly and steadily it will become the part of our culture. Then our youth will take part in sexual activities openly and in front of everyone and once this happens we will loss the real assets of our relationships. Believe me we will loss our pure culture. So we should avoid these classes on any expense.

Does it make sense?
I'm freaking out! -.-

RH Bill

The RH BILL, we all know what it is all about.. right? if not start looking it up .. If you are a kind person who consider religion and morality as just few "things" that colors the life, then for sure you did not value it much and you may be one of those western types of people that think science and commerce and technology and etc.. as the solutions for poverty. But if you are a person who valued God's given system for life and its proper way to obtain a wonderful life now and in the future, then you may be affected a lot to that reproductive health bill.

The author of the Bill stated the following objectives:

(1) To uphold and promote respect for life, informed choice, birth spacing and responsible parenthood in conformity with internationally recognized human rights standards.
(2) To guarantee universal access to medically-safe, legal and quality reproductive health care services and relevant information even as it prioritizes the needs of women and children.

It thus really sound good, The Bill as most intellectuals would say is designed to protect the rights of the women, medical people in the maternity duty, promoting family and educating the youth for safe sex starting from Grade 5 - 10 to 11 year old kids) and be responsible in life, with all of these for 3 main goals ---- Anti-poverty, population control, AIDS(HIV) prevention. I may say a great cover up.

Now lets go to the Negative impact of this Bill! 

1. If the Bill will be approved then we are permitting the people of the program to tell our young kids about condoms, pills and ways to prevent pregnancy.

2. If the Bill will be approved then we are opening the minds of our children that sex is something to try. Even they are not that ready for it. And because they are thought how to use condoms, then curiousity would force them to sex.

3. Because their minds are now tainted with sex education, the respect of having sex to the right girl or the right guy for the right time would be abolished. Probably raped cases would increase.

4. Sex should be discussed by home by the parents not through government programs, approving this bill affects the right of the parents in teaching their young ones about morality.

5. If the Bill will be approved, HIV cases would increase! There is no such thing in this world as Safe condoms ( they might advertise it as safe, then why they dont have COMMERCIALS of using their condoms with an AIDS VICTIM). In Thailand, when they started to have a bill regarding sex education and birth control, their HIV cases increasing and so with other countries. Why? Sex is Holy and be respected, when you educate people about it and with condoms.....They will try it and want it so badly, believing condoms would protect them.

6. If the Bill will be approved, you cannot expect that your daughter will be still a virgin at the age of 15. The bill sounds good, but they're educated about sex and believing that sex is no holy and be respected anymore, but consider it as a wonderful part of the body.

7. If the Bill will be approved, Prostitution will increase!

8. If the Bill will be approved, it will be rear to find a virgin and concervative girl to become your wife. Like in America and in Europe that there is no such girl who is 18 and still a virgin.

9. Filipinos are concervative in nature, If our country will become less concervative because of the Bill, thus it affects our culture and our way of showing respect to the women.

10. Filipinos by nature is a solid christian and a believer to Gods way of giving new life, we all want the natural way, God's way. But with this bill it probably could change our faith.

To elaborate more about this..

Filipinos are born intellectuals and I believed not dumb, Filipinos loves the culture of the Filipinos. We may say that many of the Filipinos wants to go abroad to earn dollars and live in the U.S, but they are not following the culture of the Americans or the Europeans. We love our culture our way of valuing Life, Sex, Family, Religion, etc. The Bill is like making the Philippines like the western countries a country with liberated people, a country that devorce and abortion is legal. Filipinos never dreamt to have a culture like that, the bill is the stepping stone of bringing a western culture in the Philippines.

The bill seeks to impose a hedonistic sex-oriented lifestyle that aims to reduce the conjugal act to a mere exchange of physical sensations between two individuals and marriage to a purely contraceptive partnership.

Not only is it hedonistic, it is above all eugenicist. It seeks to eliminate the poor and the “socially unfit.” While it neither mandates a two-child family nor legalizes abortion, it prepares the ground for both.

That paragraph explains something scary for the future Filipinos. The church people are making ways to stop this Bill, Filipinos should not be naived because this Bill is a serious treat to your culture, family and Faith to God!
The devil used many good programs to weaken the faith of God's loyal servants!

The point of all of these are:

point #1: People are needed to be disciplined.

point #2: (labag din ito sa banal na kasulatan.) Contraception is wrong not because the church has banned it; the church has banned it because it is wrong.

point #4: Immorality might be the result of this law. Being pregnant is not a sin nor give it a solution to abort this kind of stuffs.

point #5: We do not need this RHB because we are not overpopulated country. Its unnecessarily.

Still not satisfied what I've read.. :/
Is this qualified for my upcoming debate? -.-
gee. I really do hope so.
watcha think? ;;)