The RH BILL, we all know what it is all about.. right? if not start looking it up .. If you are a kind person who consider religion and morality as just few "things" that colors the life, then for sure you did not value it much and you may be one of those western types of people that think science and commerce and technology and etc.. as the solutions for poverty. But if you are a person who valued God's given system for life and its proper way to obtain a wonderful life now and in the future, then you may be affected a lot to that reproductive health bill.
The author of the Bill stated the following objectives:
(1) To uphold and promote respect for life, informed choice, birth spacing and responsible parenthood in conformity with internationally recognized human rights standards.
(2) To guarantee universal access to medically-safe, legal and quality reproductive health care services and relevant information even as it prioritizes the needs of women and children.
It thus really sound good, The Bill as most intellectuals would say is designed to protect the rights of the women, medical people in the maternity duty, promoting family and educating the youth for safe sex starting from Grade 5 - 10 to 11 year old kids) and be responsible in life, with all of these for 3 main goals ---- Anti-poverty, population control, AIDS(HIV) prevention. I may say a great cover up.
Now lets go to the Negative impact of this Bill!
1. If the Bill will be approved then we are permitting the people of the program to tell our young kids about condoms, pills and ways to prevent pregnancy.
2. If the Bill will be approved then we are opening the minds of our children that sex is something to try. Even they are not that ready for it. And because they are thought how to use condoms, then curiousity would force them to sex.
3. Because their minds are now tainted with sex education, the respect of having sex to the right girl or the right guy for the right time would be abolished. Probably raped cases would increase.
4. Sex should be discussed by home by the parents not through government programs, approving this bill affects the right of the parents in teaching their young ones about morality.
5. If the Bill will be approved, HIV cases would increase! There is no such thing in this world as Safe condoms ( they might advertise it as safe, then why they dont have COMMERCIALS of using their condoms with an AIDS VICTIM). In Thailand, when they started to have a bill regarding sex education and birth control, their HIV cases increasing and so with other countries. Why? Sex is Holy and be respected, when you educate people about it and with condoms.....They will try it and want it so badly, believing condoms would protect them.
6. If the Bill will be approved, you cannot expect that your daughter will be still a virgin at the age of 15. The bill sounds good, but they're educated about sex and believing that sex is no holy and be respected anymore, but consider it as a wonderful part of the body.
7. If the Bill will be approved, Prostitution will increase!
8. If the Bill will be approved, it will be rear to find a virgin and concervative girl to become your wife. Like in America and in Europe that there is no such girl who is 18 and still a virgin.
9. Filipinos are concervative in nature, If our country will become less concervative because of the Bill, thus it affects our culture and our way of showing respect to the women.
10. Filipinos by nature is a solid christian and a believer to Gods way of giving new life, we all want the natural way, God's way. But with this bill it probably could change our faith.
To elaborate more about this..
Filipinos are born intellectuals and I believed not dumb, Filipinos loves the culture of the Filipinos. We may say that many of the Filipinos wants to go abroad to earn dollars and live in the U.S, but they are not following the culture of the Americans or the Europeans. We love our culture our way of valuing Life, Sex, Family, Religion, etc. The Bill is like making the Philippines like the western countries a country with liberated people, a country that devorce and abortion is legal. Filipinos never dreamt to have a culture like that, the bill is the stepping stone of bringing a western culture in the Philippines.
The bill seeks to impose a hedonistic sex-oriented lifestyle that aims to reduce the conjugal act to a mere exchange of physical sensations between two individuals and marriage to a purely contraceptive partnership.
Not only is it hedonistic, it is above all eugenicist. It seeks to eliminate the poor and the “socially unfit.” While it neither mandates a two-child family nor legalizes abortion, it prepares the ground for both.
That paragraph explains something scary for the future Filipinos. The church people are making ways to stop this Bill, Filipinos should not be naived because this Bill is a serious treat to your culture, family and Faith to God!
The devil used many good programs to weaken the faith of God's loyal servants!
The point of all of these are:
point #1: People are needed to be disciplined.
point #2: (labag din ito sa banal na kasulatan.) Contraception is wrong not because the church has banned it; the church has banned it because it is wrong.
point #4: Immorality might be the result of this law. Being pregnant is not a sin nor give it a solution to abort this kind of stuffs.
point #5: We do not need this RHB because we are not overpopulated country. Its unnecessarily.
Still not satisfied what I've read.. :/
Is this qualified for my upcoming debate? -.-
gee. I really do hope so.
watcha think? ;;)