Sunday, November 14, 2010

Accurate Personality Result!

Some of the descriptions below are written in the third person, others- in the second; it is all about you.

General Characteristics (gray table)
Readiness for emotional experiences + urge + self-assertion You are afraid to be deprived and left behind, to encounter a sudden resistance, and to be put in a non-beneficial position. Therefore, you are limitlessly using all the opportunities which present themselves.

Your Desired Objective
Hopes that ties of affection and good-fellowship will bring release and contentment. His own need for approval makes him ready to be of help to others and in exchange he wants warmth and understanding. Open to new ideas and possibilities which he hopes will prove fruitful and interesting.

Existing Situation
Having difficulty in making progress. Despite the attempt to conceal impulsiveness, his activities lead to problems and uncertainties, making him tense and irritable.

Your Restrained Characteristics
Only in exceptional cases you direct your own sensitivity on an intimate relationship, as the conditions of the communication and the terms of interaction aren’t satisfactory to you. The circumstances are such that you can’t allow yourself to enter an intimacy without certain stipulations in your mind.

Your Stress Sources
Has an unsatisfied need to ally himself with others whose standards are as high as his own, and to stand out from the rank and file. This subjects him to considerable stress, but he sticks to his attitudes despite lack of appreciation. Finds the situation uncomfortable and would like to break away from it, but refuses to compromise with his opinions. Unable to resolve the situation because he continually postpones making the necessary decision as he doubts his ability to withstand the opposition which would result. Needs the esteem of others, compliance with his wishes, and respect for his opinions before he can feel at ease and secure.

Your Actual Problem
Denotes an ambivalent attitude varying between an optimistic desire for fulfillment and a gloomy pessimism.

pretty much me! >:O
watcha say guys? -.-

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